General information

The R-omanian team is enthusiastic to deliver R courses and trainings.

Just contact us!

Training activities

19 - 23 October, 2020

Ciprian Alexandru will be trainer for the course Writing reproducible article in R. This course was part of the Erasmus+ program. The goal of this training week is to provide participants with basic knowledge about the principle of Reproducible Research applied to the published article in various journals.

R training

25 - 29 May, 2020

Nicoleta Caragea will be trainer for the course Statistics with R. This course was part of the Erasmus+ program. The goal of this training week is to provide participants with basic knowledge about the syntax and basis of the R programming language and to provide an overview of the main packages which are important for the statistical analysis.

R training

24 - 27 March, 2020

For the third time, Ciprian Alexandru will be a trainer for the course THE USE OF R IN OFFICIAL STATISTICS: MODEL BASED ESTIMATES. This course was part of the ESTP Courses. The goal of this course is to provide participants with basic knowledge about the syntax and basis of the R programming language and to provide an overview of the main packages which are important for the statistical production process. The activity will pay special attention to these packages devoted to management of large databases and the analysis of complex surveys.

R training

4 - 8 November, 2019

Ciprian Alexandru was a trainer for the course Writing reproducible article in R. This course was part of the Erasmus+ program. The goal of this training week is to provide participants with basic knowledge about the principle of Reproducible Research applied to the published article in various journals.

R training

3 - 6 June, 2019

For the second time, Ciprian Alexandru was a trainer for the course THE USE OF R IN OFFICIAL STATISTICS: MODEL BASED ESTIMATES. This course was part of the ESTP Courses. The goal of this course is to provide participants with basic knowledge about the syntax and basis of the R programming language and to provide an overview of the main packages which are important for the statistical production process. The activity will pay special attention to these packages devoted to management of large databases and the analysis of complex surveys.

R training

9 - 12 March, 2019

The Romanian team, consisting of Nicoleta Caragea, Ciprian Alexandru and Marian Necula, participated in the European Big Data Hackathon. The event organised by the European Commission (Eurostat) which gathers teams from all over Europe to compete for the best data product combining official statistics and big data to support policy makers in one pressing policy question or statistical challenge facing Europe.

The European Big Data Hackathon.

R training

6 - 8 November, 2018

Ciprian Alexandru was a trainer for the course Advanced R in Luxembourg, at Eurostat. The main objective was that the participants will be able to combine their self-written functions into R-packages, produce automatically generated reports and make use of explicit parallelization features in R environment.

R training

4 - 7 June, 2018

Ciprian Alexandru was a trainer for the course THE USE OF R IN OFFICIAL STATISTICS: MODEL BASED ESTIMATES. This course was part of the ESTP Courses. The goal of this course is to provide participants with basic knowledge about the syntax and basis of the R programming language and to provide an overview of the main packages which are important for the statistical production process. The activity will pay special attention to these packages devoted to management of large databases and the analysis of complex surveys.

R training

2 - 3 November, 2015

PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP: “Introduction to R and Data Visualization” - The R platform provides a powerful and comprehensive platform for visualizing data, understanding and evaluating statistical models, and effectively communicating research results to both technical and nontechnical audiences. This 2 days workshop will provide practical review of R’s major graphing capabilities; including base functionality and new capabilities provided by the lattice and ggplot2 packages.

R training

R training R training

23 July - 8 August, 2015

Adrian Dusa was a trainer for the course Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Fuzzy Sets. This course was part of the 10th ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques, at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The course introduced participants to set-theoretic methods and their application in the social sciences with an emphasis on Qualitative Comparative Analysis. For the first time the course has been taught exclusively using R software, and the main tool was the package QCA, developed by Adrian Dusa and recently improved with a GUI based on package shiny.

R training

R training

March 30, 2015

Introducing new challenges for economics, by using specific software for data analysis
Lecturer - Ana Maria Dobre

R training

R training

October, 2014

Statistics with Applications in R - was held in Tg.Mures - Department of Statistics.
Trainer - Nicoleta CARAGEA.

R training

R training

September, 2014

Data Analysis in Statistics with R - was held at the National Centre for Training in Statistics from Bucharest.

Trainers: - Nicoleta CARAGEA;
- Ciprian ALEXANDRU;
- Ana-Maria DOBRE;
- Bogdan OANCEA;
- Nicolae-Marius JULA.

R training

R training

August, 2014

Statistics with Applications in R - was held in Botosani - Department of Statistics.
Trainer - Nicoleta CARAGEA.

R training

R training

R training

May-June, 2014

The course Introduction to Statistics - Applications in R, was held during May-June 2014, at the National Centre for Training in Statistics - National Institute of Statistics.
Some members of R-omanian Team were trainers for this course:
- Nicoleta CARAGEA;
- Ciprian ALEXANDRU;
- Ana-Maria DOBRE;
- Bogdan OANCEA;
- Nicolae-Marius JULA.

R training

R training

R training

January- December, 2014

One-day courses - We would like to share our experience by one-day courses organized by National Centre for Training in Statistics:
“R Statistical Software – Presenting Advantages of its use for Data Analysis”
“Introducing Statistics, the Need for Official Statistics”
“Statistical Analysis – from Theory to Practice”
“Concepts, Models and Techniques for Data Analysis”
Details of participation at these courses can be obtained by contact, Ana-Maria DOBRE: ana24maria[at]

December 02-06, 2013

Course - Introduction in Small Area Estimation Techniques with Applications in R

The following courses will be held in December, 02-06, 2013. Details of participation in these courses can be obtained by contact, Ana-Maria DOBRE: ana24maria[at]

November 18-22, 2013

Course - Introduction in Small Area Estimation Techniques with Applications in R

- Nicoleta CARAGEA
- Ana-Maria DOBRE
- Nicolae-Marius JULA

R training

R training

June 25 - July 01, 2013

Course - Introduction in Small Area Estimation Techniques with Applications in R

- Nicoleta CARAGEA
- Ana-Maria DOBRE
- Andreea GAGIU

R training

R training